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Zion Road Improvements

What is this Project?

Roadway improvements, bicycle accommodations, and sidewalks are proposed for this project, between Vantage Drive and and Old Missouri Road.  A roundabout is proposed at Old Missouri Road as well.

Why is It Important?

Zion Road is an east/west connection between Highway 265 and College Avenue, that has seen both residential and commercial development. The intersection between Vantage Drive and  Old Missouri Road is narrow and curvy, and lacks sidewalk.  Improvements to this corridor will allow for more traffic due to new developments and will provide a safe connection for all users.

What is the Current Status?

The design is complete and the project will be advertised for bids with a bid opening in June 2020.

When Will it be Completed?

Construction will begin around September of 2020 and should be completed by the end of 2021.

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